What our Customers say...

Why SERVPRO Testimonials

We discovered water and mold in our basement. Carlos was the team leader in removing affected materials drying out and spraying the area and cleaning up after the work. He was pleasant and efficient and explained the solutions in a professional manner.

Great company!!! Highly recommend

I had a chance to work with Corey and Mindy, from the Rigby/Idaho Falls office.  Not only are they friendly, but they are doing things for the community via emergency bags for those who have a loss of a home, so they have a few emergency needs like toiletry items and so on.  Totally impressed!

Britten Hafen was on time, very professional, quick and a complete pleasure. My dishwasher broke and flooded into the living room carpet. We cleaned it but had them come check for mold. Once she arrived she took care of everything, I didn't have to do anything after that. Next time I will call them quicker and just have them take care of everything!

Great teamwork!  SERVPRO offers respectful and caring employees when a crisis occurs. The crew wasted no time removing water damaged debris while at the same time crew members were removing or covering furniture to avoid damage.  Adrian managed his crew well, he answered my questions, if he could not, he followed protocol contacting Skylar for direction. I want to personally thank Cynthia, Beverly, Jessica and Vivian for their patience during the billing process. Thank you Skylar for working closely with other contractors.

Had some concerns about a possible water leak in my bathroom.  Britten and Jared showed up from SERVPRO.  They checked every thing several times and advised me that there were no issues that needed to be addressed.  Didn't try to get me to do unnecessary repairs.

Quick, friendly, honest and very Professional.